Wednesday, November 22, 2017


This year in Maine weather scientist are predicting a record breaking snow season.  

1.    The warm temperatures this October broke all previous records.   October temperatures have been a hall mark for predicting snow levels:  Of the twenty years of highest recorded October temperatures, seventeen of those years were the seventeen highest recorded snow falls.

2.    A  La Na Nina in the Pacific is an indicator of winter trade wind routs across New England.  The Alberta Clippers follow the trade winds, and the more advanced the La Nina the more snow fall we received in Maine.    This year there is a La Nina in the Pacific and it is due to peak in mid-winter.

3.    Ocean waters off the coast of Maine are the warmest on record.   Warm waters in the Gulf of Maine tend to create more frequent winter storms and more severe snow events (nor-easters.)

This year we are looking at a trifecta, with snow falls in the western mountains of Maine expected to be in excess of 100 inches.  

 My wife and I are winter people, and I love this.
the Ol'Buzzard


  1. I like winter too as long as it doesn't get below 68F.

  2. I hope you realize that "Alberta clippers" are sent with love from Alberta.

  3. Not that fussy about snow but we sure can use it in much of Alberta and Saskatchewan to replenish soil moisture. Forecast is for an old fashioned Saskatchewan winter. Cold and snow. So far we are safe from cold. Hanging around 0C 32F all week but we'll pay later I expect.
    Happy winter sledding in Maine, my friend.

  4. Only 100 inches? Where we live, that's a light dusting.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."